Tomato Coconut Soup

Tomato Coconut Soup

Tomato Coconut Soup

Servings: 2
Preparation Time: 30 minutes



Chop the onion and tomatoes roughly. In a saucepan, add the chopped tomatoes, chopped onion, whole black peppers, clove, cinnamon, ginger, and garlic. Mix well. Cover and heat on a medium to low heat. Stir intermittently.

Turn the heat off once the tomatoes and onions are well cooked. This will take around 15–20 minutes. Alternately, the mixture can be cooked in a pressure cooker.

Once done, allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Using a blender or immersion blender, blend the mixture till you get a soup-like consistency. Transfer this to the saucepan. Add sugar, salt, and coconut milk. Mix well and let the soup boil once. Turn off the heat and serve hot.

*For the freshest coconut milk, make homemade coconut milk. (See video at this link.)

Sheetal from Foster City, CA, just won $50 for this recipe and photo! Submit yours here!

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