“Caramel” Fudge
Try this easy candy recipe made with coconut oil, Coconut Cream Concentrate, and chocolate chips.
Try this easy candy recipe made with coconut oil, Coconut Cream Concentrate, and chocolate chips.
Try this delicious candy made with Coconut Cream Concentrate, shredded coconut, and coconut oil.
Coconut, Curry, Carrot Soup
Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Heat the butter/oil in a large saucepan and stir in the carrots and ginger.
Cook over medium heat until the carrots start to brown, about 6–8 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the onions and cook until they are translucent. Stir in the broth, coconut milk, and curry paste.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer covered for 25 minutes.
If you want to add chicken to this recipe, add it to the simmering soup. Remove chicken once it’s fully cooked and set aside.
Strain the solids so you can remove the ginger root and discard. Add the solids plus 2 cups of the liquid to a blender and puree. Add the remaining liquid and process until completely pureed.
Pour soup back into saucepan to add shredded chicken or pour into soup bowls. Use a fork to shred the chicken once it has cooled enough to touch. Add it to the soup and stir.
Serve with some scallions and cilantro sprinkled on top and additional salt and pepper, if needed.
Quick notes:
*I prefer to use homemade chicken broth for all of the health benefits. Store bought will work but may be higher in sodium, so be careful when you salt the soup.
**For the freshest coconut milk, make homemade coconut milk. (See video at this link.)
Recipe and photo submitted by Kate, Highlands Ranch, CO.
These delicious chicken nuggets are made with seasoned ground chicken and fried in coconut oil.
Orange and chocolate combine with coconut oil and honey to create this rich dessert that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Grain-Free Pumpkin Spice Granola
Servings: 5
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Combine the chopped nuts, seeds, coconut, protein powder, almond flour, lucuma, all the spices, and salt in a bowl and mix well.
In a separate bowl, combine the pumpkin puree, almond butter, liquid sweetener, and vanilla.
Combine the two bowls and stir until all the dry ingredients are coated.
Place on dehydrator sheets in clumps and dehydrate at 145 for 2 hours, then turn down to 115 until desired crunch is obtained. I left it in there for 24 hours.
For oven method, place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and bake at 175–200 degrees F until desired crunch is obtained. Stir every so often to cook evenly.
Recipe and photo submitted by Kate, Highlands Ranch, CO.
Here’s a quick and easy, sweet chocolate treat that can be made in a few minutes when a chocolate craving hits!
Easy and incredibly delicious, this chicken entrée is made with coconut milk, mushrooms, and shallots.
Sesame, Chocolate Nutty Bites
Servings: 28
Preparation Time: 20 minutes + 4 hours chilling
Lightly grease the mixing bowl for easier removal.
Place ingredients into a bowl, reserving 3 tablespoons of sesame seeds for later use. Mix together. The mixture will be very thick and difficult to stir.
Line the bottom and sides of a 7 x 5-inch dish with a sheet of parchment paper. Lightly grease the parchment paper with coconut oil. Sprinkle 1 1/2 tablespoons of sesame seeds onto the parchment paper.
Place the candy mixture onto the parchment paper. Grease the back of a spoon or your fingers and mold into the dish.
Sprinkle the remaining sesame seeds over the top of the candy mixture until it is evenly covered.
Refrigerate overnight or at least four hours.
Remove and cut lengthwise so that you have a rectangular piece which is 2 1/2 inches wide and 7 inches long. Next, cut 1/2-inch pieces, which will give you 14 pieces from each rectangle.
OPTIONAL: To wrap each piece individually, remove a strip of parchment paper 7 1/2 inches long. Cut each piece into a 3-inch strip. Lay the piece of candy in lengthwise and roll the ends until they overlap. Use a piece of invisible or transparent tape long enough to wrap around and adhere to itself. You should have a round tube now. Attach a sticker if you wish. Carefully fold down the ends and twist.
Recipe and photo submitted by Starlene, Phoenix, AZ,
These chocolaty treats are made with almond meal, honey, and avocado.