Wheat Berries and Flour

Healthy Traditions offers a variety of different wheat berries and flours. Each one is unique and delicious!

Einkorn Wheat

Einkorn is an ancient grain, and is known as the oldest variety of “wheat.” Einkorn is also sometimes referred to as “farro” or “farro einkorn.” Einkorn was first cultivated 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. It is classified as a “diploid” because it only has two sets of chromosomes. Modern wheat varieties are classified as “hexaploid,” having six sets of chromosomes, due to a long history of hybridization.

Heirloom Turkey Red Wheat

Turkey Red is an heirloom variety of hard red winter wheat that was very commonly grown, until the 1940’s.  It originally came to this country from Mennonite immigrants leaving Ukraine fleeing Tsarist persecution, who brought trunks full of Turkey Red into Kansas.  It established quickly in the “bread basket” region of Kansas, where it was the dominate wheat grown until being replaced by modern varieties in the mid-20th century.

Khorasan Wheat

Khorasan Wheat is an ancient grain that hasn’t been hybridized in modern history.  The source of this grain is traced back to the Fertile Crescent, and is thought to be a close relative of durum wheat.  It is a tetraploid, which means it is a cross of two ancient diploid grasses and has 4 chromosome sets.

Ruby Lee Wheat

Our Ruby Lee wheat is a modern hard red winter wheat grown on a family farm in Oklahoma, under certified organic standards. Hard red winter wheat has excellent milling and bread baking characteristics.  It is used mainly for bread, rolls, flat breads, and all-purpose flour.

Spelt Wheat

Spelt, also known as Large Farro, or Farro Grande, and most specifically as Triticum spelta, is an ancient wheat that is believed to have begun in the Fertile Crescent several thousand years ago. It is higher in protein than modern wheat, all while offering significant levels of iron, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and niacin.

Visit HealthyTraditions.com to purchase grains and flours.

These are just a few of the delicious recipes made using wheat berries or flour that you’ll find here.